Shezza Ansloos

Shezza Ansloos


Shezza Ansloos is a Cree writer, educator, and speaker. Ansloos is nêhiyaw-iskwêw (Cree) and English and is a member of the Fisher River Cree Nation (Ochekwi-Sipi; Treaty 5). Growing up an adopted child of the ‘60s Scoop, Ansloos has a unique Indigenous perspective that is articulated in her creative work. She expresses her blended cultural identity through exploring genres. She communicates through storytelling, poetry, music, and visual art. Her influences are the beauty of land, the wonder of spirituality, and the necessity of healing. Ansloos has spent her life as an advocate for children working in the education system as a teacher, administrator, and counselor.

Featured books

Thunder and the Noise Storm

by Jeffrey Ansloos and Shezza Ansloos

Published by Annick Press

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