Son of the river Araguaia and of the meeting between the Karajá people and remaining quilombolas*. Poet and rapper, he lives in Brasilia, where he acts as a cultural agent and teacher. He expresses his outrage at the destruction of forests and rivers through music. His poetry is in Portuguese, Yorubá and Iny Rybè (language of the Karajá people).
Filho do rio Araguaia e do encontro entre o povo Karajá e remanescentes quilombolas. Poeta e rapper, reside em Brasília, onde atua como agente cultural e professor. Através da música expressa sua revolta com a destruição das florestas e rios. Suas poesias são em português, yorubá e Iny Rybè (idioma do povo Karajá)
(*Quilombolas are the descendants of Afro-Brazilian slaves who escaped from slave plantations that existed in Brazil until abolition in 1888.)