Murray Sinclair

Author, "Who We Are"

Murray Sinclair

Author, "Who We Are"


Senator Murray Sinclair was a judge for 28 years. He was the first Indigenous judge appointed in Manitoba and Canada’s second. He served as Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry in Manitoba and as Chief Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). As head of the TRC, he participated in hundreds of hearings across Canada, culminating in the issuance of the TRC’s report in 2015. He served as an adjunct professor of law at the University of Manitoba and has won numerous awards, including the National Aboriginal Achievement Award, the Manitoba Bar Association’s Equality Award (2001) and its Distinguished Service Award (2016), and has received Honorary Doctorates from 14 Canadian universities. Senator Sinclair was appointed to the Senate on April 2, 2016.

Murray Sinclair is currently in hospital and regrettably cannot participate in the forthcoming scheduled event Toronto International Festival of Authors. While McClelland & Stewart and Senator Sinclair are saddened he is unable to attend, we are hopeful you’ll join us in ensuring the stories, ideas and inspiration contained in his new book, Who We Are, are shared and celebrated. Please pick up a copy from the bookstore.

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Who We Are: Four Questions For a Life and a Nation

by Murray Sinclair

Published by McClelland & Stewart

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