Mother Tongue Publishing

Salt Spring Island, BC

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From 1990 -1994 we published a small international literary periodical called (m)Öthêr Tøñgués featuring work translated from the mother tongue to english and vice versa.

In 1994 we began as (m)Öthêr Tøñgué Press publishing beautiful limited edition chapbooks of Canadian poetry.

In 2008, after 18 years as an established private literary press on Salt Spring Island we decided to expand our publishing mandate and enter into trade publishing. We publish award-winning regional poetry, fiction, art history, anthologies, literary non-fiction. 4 books a year.

West Coast Literary Publishing | Creating a Legacy of Art & Literature

I will be more myself in the next world
Matsuki Masutani

Pocket Guide to the Unheralded Artists of BC
Marsha Lederman-Introduction
Published: Nov 1, 2020

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