

A lifetime immersed in the performing arts has made Joshua “Scribe” Watkis entirely devoted to the gift of storytelling. Through Spoken Word Poetry and Hip-Hop, he has taken thousands into his world to experience it as he does. The Scarborough born poet has performed on stages across Canada for a decade, appeared on CBC’s Poetic Licence and opened for the legendary Hip-Hop band ‘The Roots’. As a competitor he attended the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word in 2014, 2015 and 2017, never missing a finals stage, winning the national championship in 2019. Scribe has authored two chapbooks, Tethered and Black Blossom/Harsh North, and was featured on the first ever Spoken Word Audiobook on Audible: Power In Poetry; Moods That Move.

Scribe is an Arts Educator and event organizer; as well as a member of the Up From The Roots collective and the Rapper/Producer duo S.O.A.P (Scribe & Onglish Aren’t Perfect). His goal is not only to bring his audiences through his story, but to gift them with the courage to do what he calls the “bravest act on Earth.”. To share their own stories, in their words, out loud.

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