2021 Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from Book Summit 21?
This year, Book Summit is presenting a combination of live and pre-recorded sessions. We will be re-releasing videos for a limited time at a later date. Details will be shared when they are available.
How do I register for the conference?
You can register for Book Summit 21 here. Registration is necessary in order to receive a password that will unlock all video content on the day of the conference. Passwords will be emailed to registrants 24 hours in advance of Book Summit.
How do I view virtual sessions?
All Book Summit sessions will take place on the TIFA website at festivalofauthors.ca/booksummit. We recommend bookmarking this page in advance, which will feature the event schedule and links to all session pages. When it’s time to watch the event, go to the session page and input your password (see above) in the video player to unlock the broadcast.
Do I need to sign in to the TIFA website in order to view sessions?
No. Unlike other events hosted on the TIFA website, it is not necessary to create or sign into an account on the TIFA website to access Book Summit sessions. All you require to access Book Summit sessions is your video password.
My video doesn’t have any sound!
The first time you watch an event on the TIFA website, it might be necessary to adjust the video settings to enable audio. To do this, hover over the video toolbar (lower right-hand side of the video player) and click the volume setting to un-mute.
Are the events accessible for people with hearing impairments?
English captions will be available for all pre-recorded sessions. Live sessions will feature automatic English captions during the initial broadcast. We will also be securing transcribed captions for live sessions— these will be re-uploaded to each session video upon receipt. To enable captions, hover over the video toolbar (lower right-hand side of the video player) and click the ‘CC’ icon.
Can I ask questions and chat with other viewers during the events?
All sessions will feature a public chat right below the video player. You will be able to share questions for speakers during live sessions by using the public chat. For pre-recorded sessions, a limited number of speakers and presenters may also be present in the public chat to take questions. More details are forthcoming.
Need More Help?
For tech inquiries, please contact: events@festivalofauthors.ca
For registration and general inquiries, please contact: publicity@thebpc.ca
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