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Didier Leclair (Didier Kabagema) was born in Montreal to Rwandan parents. He grew up in Africa—Gabon, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Congo-Brazzaville—and returned to Canada in 1987. Since then, he has been living and writing in Toronto. In 2000, his novel Toronto, I Love You won the Prix Trillium, and he has also been a […]
Emily Saso is the author of two novels, The Weather Inside and Nine Dash Line. She holds her master’s degree in political science (with a specialization in international security studies), and lives in Toronto.
Grief is like an inside joke: you have to have been there to really get it. Everything Cassandra Rampersad knows about her family history has been overheard: whispered behind a closed door or written in a notebook stowed away. Cassandra has always been curious, and when a death in the family means she has to return home […]