During #FestofAuthors20, 11 artists were challenged to take part in a collaborative jam on a unified theme: Bringing a New World Into Focus. This challenge, in partnership with Toronto Comic Arts Festival (@torontocomics), started from a single-story panel that planted the seed for a larger story to grow. Take a look below to see the finished comic:Panel by Hana Shafi (@frizzkidart)
Panel by Keet Geniza (@makeshiftlove)
Panel by Sanya Anwar (@sanya_anwar)
Panel by Lis Xu (@lissshu)
Panel by Jason Loo (@rebel_loo)
Panel by Paris Alleyne (@parisalleyne)
Panel by Kat Verhoeven (@verwho)
Panel by Cleopatria Peterson (@cleopatriia)
Panel by Cole Pauls (@tundrawizard)
Panel by Olivia Kim (@oliviamkim)
Panel by Jen Woodall (@funeralbeat)