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Right Down to the Bone: The Identity of Jane Doe

Grace Gregory-Alcock
Learn about the methods of identifying human remains from a case-active forensic anthropologist.
Free Event


Join case-active forensic anthropologist, Grace Gregory-Alcock, as she details the day-to-day tasks of missing person searches and recovery, as well as the methods and techniques used to give an individual their identity back after death. From trauma to taphonomy, participants will be able to engage with the professionals who ensure professional recovery and ethical treatment of human remains upon discovery. This interactive workshop includes a group activity that gives participants an opportunity to identify, examine and profile a selection of remains. Please note that while the collection includes real animal bone, casts are used in lieu of any human elements.

This workshop is appropriate for ages 16 and up. Maximum 25 participants. First come, first served.

University of Toronto Mississauga Forensic Science Program logo

Image of Grace Gregory-Alcock
Grace Gregory-Alcock is a PhD Candidate in Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her master's thesis validated a histological method of assessing sex through features in human femora, and her current PhD research project evaluates the variability in the microstructures of bone throughout the human skeleton.

Dates & Times

Sun, June 9, 2024


3-Day Pass

Group rate: Save 25% when booking five passes or more of the same type

Add on a copy of Walter Mosley’s Farewell, Amethystine for $35 (tax incl.) when you purchase a 3-Day Pass or a Friday Pass


Main Loft
235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON

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