In 2022, The Maid by Nita Prose took the book world by storm as unconventional protagonist Molly captured the hearts of readers everywhere. While her awkwardness and unique perspective puts her at a disadvantage with coworkers, readers find her relatable and resilient. Join us as Prose spills the beans on the sequel, The Mystery Guest, where Molly finds herself knee-deep in trouble again when a famous author turns up dead. With twists, turns and more suspects than you can shake a feather duster at, this event is a must for mystery lovers.
Moderator: Deborah Dundas
Generously supported by Beth Nowers and Jack Curtin & the Lynn and Brent Belzberg Foundation.
Dates & Times
Group rate: Save 25% when booking five passes or more of the same type
Add on a copy of Walter Mosley’s Farewell, Amethystine for $35 (tax incl.) when you purchase a 3-Day Pass or a Friday Pass
Harbourfront Centre Theatre
231 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON