A supernatural thriller, blending African myth, friendship, romance and self-discovery from prize-winning author, Efua Traoré.
Sixteen-year-old adopted Tara has questions – about who she is, where she belongs, why she dreams…
When her nightmares darken, fears swarm like a flock of ravens and she traces her visions to the ancient Olumo Rock in Nigeria. It is a sacred place, full of magic, myth, and where whispers of the past linger.
Travelling from England and enrolling in a boarding school at the foot of Olumo, Tara begins a journey to seek the truth of her roots and the spirits that pursue her.
This book may also be available at the TIFA Festival Bookstore.
About the Author
Efua Traoré is a Nigerian-German author of children's and young adult books which have been translated into numerous languages. Her books have received diverse awards including the Times/ChickenHouse prize, the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, the Zilveren Griffel and The Times Children’s Book of the Year. Efua grew up in a small town in Nigeria and draws inspiration for her stories from Nigerian mythologies and from her fun and adventure-filled childhood. She currently lives in Munich where she writes her stories and songs in English and in German.
Efua Traoré’s Festival appearance is generously supported by Goethe-Institut.
Read more about Efua Traoré
Photo credit: Blende 11.