Roddy Doyle

Author, "The Women Behind the Door"

Roddy Doyle's headshot
Roddy Doyle's headshot

Roddy Doyle

Author, "The Women Behind the Door"


Roddy Doyle was born in Dublin in 1958. He is the author of 10 acclaimed novels, including The Commitments, The Van (a finalist for the Booker Prize), Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha (winner of the Booker Prize), The Woman Who Walked Into Doors, A Star Called Henry, The Guts and most recently, Love. Doyle has also written several collections of stories, as well as Two Pints, Two More Pints and Two for the Road, and several works for children and young adults including the Rover novels. He lives in Dublin.

Roddy Doyle’s Festival appearance is generously supported by Culture Ireland.

Photo credit: Anthony Woods.

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The Women Behind the Door

by Roddy Doyle

Published by Knopf

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