Opaat Press is a micropress based out of Kjipuktuk (Halifax, Nova Scotia), focused on publishing limited run poetry pamphlets showcasing one poem at a time. Founded in late 2023, it has published 19 pamphlets over four seasons, featuring new writing by Nanci Lee, Nolan Natasha, Sue Goyette, Tiffany Morris, Jaime Forsythe, Anna Quon, Chris Bailey, M. Travis Lane, Rebecca Salazar and others. All pamphlets are currently out of print. More to come.

"Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (1931)" is a poem by Jimmy T. Cahill.
This pamphlet is published in a limited run of 50 copies. Out of print.
about the poet:
Jimmy T. Cahill is a queer writer of poetry and speculative fiction. More about them can be found at jimmytcahill.com

“Passage” is a poem by Katie Fewster-Yan.
This pamphlet is published in a limited run of 50 copies. Out of print.
about the poet:
Katie Fewster-Yan is the author of Surrender and Resistance.

“Grandpa Lavender’s Favourite Flower” is a poem by Cory Lavender.
This pamphlet is published in a limited run of 50 copies. Out of print.
about the poet:
Cory Lavender is a poet of African Nova Scotian and European descent living in Mi’kma’ki. A full-length collection of poems, Come One Thing Another, is forthcoming from Gaspereau Press in the fall of 2024.