Adventure awaits the young protagonists in Cheryl Isaacs’ debut novel The Unfinished and Efua Traore’s Children of the Quicksands and Sister Spirit. These mysterious tales chart their own paths in the horror and young adult genres, intersecting through their exploration of ancestral cultures, the supernatural and the discovery of one’s identity. Fans of these genres […]
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Meet Mr. Perfect, fall in love and don’t mess it up. Joining forces to discuss their latest hilarious and relatable stories about strong Asian female characters are Toronto-based romance writers Lily Chu and Jackie Lau. In Chu’s The Takedown, Soon Dee is tasked with cleaning up a scandal for intimidatingly chic luxury fashion firm, but […]
Join bestselling author Stephanie Wrobel for a thrilling evening as she discusses her latest suspense novel, The Hitchcock Hotel, and what led her to pay homage to the master of the craft, Alfred Hitchcock. In the book, the owner of The Hitchcock Hotel invites old college friends to celebrate the hotel’s first anniversary. As tensions […]
A rom-com about rom-coms and a ghost story about… ghosts? Markus Harwood-Jones‘s The Haunting of Adrian Yates and Lynn Painter‘s Better Than The Movies will make you laugh, make you think and maybe make you nostalgic about all the cringy things you did in high school. Join us for a conversation with the two skilled YA […]
Join us for a thrilling event with Canadian authors Mason Coile and Marcus Kliewer as they open the door into the eerie worlds of their latest books, William and We Used to Live Here. In William, Coile crafts a psychological horror where a smart home’s AI turns against its inhabitants, trapping them in a high-tech […]
The world of the dead is closer than you think. Join author J.M. Miro (acclaimed Canadian poet and novelist, Steven Price) as he discusses his highly anticipated second novel in the Talents Trilogy, Bringer of Dust. Following Ordinary Monsters, the journey continues through 19th-century Europe and where the Talents encounter sinister members of the cities […]
Join us for a journey into the imaginations of acclaimed fantasy authors Pascale Lacelle and M.K. Lobb as they discuss their latest novels. In Stranger Skies, the second book in Pascale’s dark academia fantasy series The Drowned Gods Trilogy following Curious Tides, characters take the reader along on their quests through space and time. Lobb’s […]