Sun, Sep 22  •  1:15pm

Rally the Tropes: Horror

Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez and A.G.A Wilmot

(Ghostface voice) What's your favourite scary trope?

Writer's Craft
Panel Discussion
Free Event
No pass required
Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez and A.G.A Wilmot headshots
Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez and A.G.A Wilmot headshots

Sun, Sep 22  •  1:15pm

Rally the Tropes: Horror

Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez and A.G.A Wilmot

(Ghostface voice) What's your favourite scary trope?

Writer's Craft
Panel Discussion
Free Event
No pass required


We’ve gathered our favourite Toronto writers of spooky stories to go head-to-head and decide what the best horror trope is within the book genre. Join Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez and A.G.A. Wilmot as they debate and talk about their favourites. Do you like an abandoned place or a cursed artifact? This conversation is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Moderator: Andrew Sullivan

This event is supported by Toronto Lit Up.

Toronto Lit Up logo

Image of Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez's headshot
Clarissa Trinidad Gonzalez was born in the Philippines, rather aptly on Hallowe'en, and grew up in a world animated by spirits and even the occasional miracle. Celestina's House is her debut novel. She works as a communications professional, and cocoons in her west end Toronto home with her spouse and daughter in between bouts of wanderlust.

Image of A.G.A. Wilmot's headshot
A.G.A Wilmot (BFA, MPub) is an award-winning writer and editor based out of Toronto. Their credits include myriad online and in-print publications and anthologies, and their first book, The Death Scene Artist, was published by Buckrider Books in 2018.

Photo credit: Jaime Patterson Hidden Exposure Photography.

Dates & Times

Sun, Sep 22
A book signing will follow this event


This is a FREE event


West Bays
235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON

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