Life Through Language: Marie-Andrée Gill & Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Marie-Andrée Gill, Chloé Savoie-Bernard and Laurance Ouellet Tremblay

Life Through Language: Marie-Andrée Gill & Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Marie-Andrée Gill, Chloé Savoie-Bernard and Laurance Ouellet Tremblay


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

60 mins

Life Through Language: Marie-Andrée Gill & Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Meet the authors writing in languages that represent unique communities from around the world and across the local neighbourhoods of Toronto. This event will introduce you to Ilnu and Québécoise poet Marie-Andrée Gill, and Montreal poet and short story author Chloé Savoie-Bernard. This interview is presented in French Canadian.

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La vie à travers la langue : Marie-Andrée Gill et Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Rencontrez les auteurs qui écrivent dans des langues représentant d’uniques communautés du monde entier et des quartiers de Toronto. Cet évènement vous fera découvrir la poète québécoise innue Marie-André Gill, et la poète et nouvelliste montréalaise Chloé Savoie-Bernard. Cet entretien est présenté en français canadien.

Life Through Language: Marie-Andrée Gill & Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Meet the authors writing in languages that represent unique communities from around the world and across the local neighbourhoods of Toronto. This event will introduce you to Ilnu and Québécoise poet Marie-Andrée Gill, and Montreal poet and short story author Chloé Savoie-Bernard. This interview is presented in French Canadian.

English captioning is available for this video. Please click the ‘CC’ button in the video toolbar to turn it on.

La vie à travers la langue : Marie-Andrée Gill et Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Rencontrez les auteurs qui écrivent dans des langues représentant d’uniques communautés du monde entier et des quartiers de Toronto. Cet évènement vous fera découvrir la poète québécoise innue Marie-André Gill, et la poète et nouvelliste montréalaise Chloé Savoie-Bernard. Cet entretien est présenté en français canadien.

Featured Authors

Marie-Andrée Gill was born on the first day of spring, the same day that Chernobyl went boom. She’s the kind of girl who who can’t get enough of books books and isn’t quick on the Ski-Doo. She digs poetry, truly, madly, deeply. And she would like to get around to writing a novel some day or other. In the meantime, she’s studying literature at university for the fun of not knowing where it might lead.

Read more about Marie-Andrée Gill

Chloé Savoie-Bernard is a writer. She has published several books, most notably Des femmes savantes, (Triptyque, 2016) and most recently Fastes (Hexagone, 2018). She has also contributed to various magazines, including Granta, Spirale, and Lettres Québécoises. She lives in Montreal where she just completed a dissertation on women's literature in Quebec during the 1970s to 1990s.

Read more about Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Laurance Ouellet Tremblay a publié deux recueils de poésie, Était une bête (2010) et salut Loup! (2014), ainsi qu'un récit, Henri de ses décors (2018), aux éditions La Peuplade. Elle enseigne la création littéraire à l'Université McGill.

Read more about Laurance Ouellet Tremblay


Wednesday, October 28

60 mins

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