Adventure awaits the young protagonists in Cheryl Isaacs’ debut novel The Unfinished and Efua Traore’s Children of the Quicksands and Sister Spirit. These mysterious tales chart their own paths in the horror and young adult genres, intersecting through their exploration of ancestral cultures, the supernatural and the discovery of one’s identity. Fans of these genres won’t want to miss this thought-provoking discussion.
Moderator: Janet Smyth
This event is supported by Goethe Institute.
Cheryl Isaacs can often be found running through the Carolinian forests of Southwestern Ontario, where she has fearlessly enjoyed the trails for years. Her Kanien’kéha culture often appears in her writing. The Unfinished is her debut novel, though her work has appeared in numerous Indigenous publications.
Photo credit: Brad Isaacs.
Efua Traoré is a Nigerian-German author of children's and young adult books which have been translated into numerous languages. Her books have received diverse awards including the Times/ChickenHouse prize, the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, the Zilveren Griffel and The Times Children’s Book of the Year.
Photo credit: Blende 11.
Dates & Times
Sat, Sep 21
1:30pmA book signing will follow this event
Festival Pass
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Student & Youth $129.99
Weekend Pass
Regular $59.99
Student & Youth $34.99
Saturday Pass
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Student & Youth $19.99
Group rate: Save 25% when booking five passes or more of the same type.
Add on a copy of Walter Mosley’s Farewell, Amethystine for $35 (tax incl.) when you purchase a 3-Day Pass or a Friday Pass
Studio Theatre
235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON